Unleashing the Power of Flaxseed Oil and Plant-Based Omega 3 Fatty Acids


Flaxseed typically yields between 35 and 45 percent oil, which contains more than 70 percent -linolenic acid and only 9 to 10 percent saturated fatty acids (palmitic and stearic). Between 20 and 30 percent of flaxseed's weight is made up of protein, while up to 28 percent of it is made up of dietary fiber. Since ancient times, flaxseed has been used in cooking, drying paint, vanishing, and for treating respiratory problems, constipation, abdominal pain, urinary tract infections, and skin inflammation. Due to its distinct chemical makeup, flaxseed oil is one of the richest sources of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids from plant sources and is well known for its health benefits. As its main components, linoleic and Alpha-linolenic fatty acids are particularly abundant in flaxseed oil. Alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid (LA; 18:2n26) (ALA; 18:3n-3) has been shown to be beneficial for chronic metabolic diseases. A study has suggested that the low incidence of diabetes in Greenland Eskimos may be partially attributed to the high consumption of fish oil, which is rich in omega-3 PUFAs, especially (EPA) and (DHA). Flaxseed oil has an advantage over fish oil in that the food sources are less expensive and uncontaminated by heavy metals.

Check out Why adding flaxseed oil to your daily routine should be a consideration. You can learn fascinating facts about flaxseed oil in this blog and find the answers to any questions you may have about its potential to prevent chronic diseases.


Latest Research on how Flaxseed oil promotes your Cardiovascular health.

In literature and scientific studies, the beneficial role that polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids play in reducing the risk of heart disease is well documented. Recent studies have shown that the main functional components of flaxseed oil, eicosahexaenoic acid (EPA, 20: 5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22: 6n-3), both reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases like arrhythmia, sudden cardiac death, and atherosclerosis. A natural precursor of EPA and DHA, Alpha-linolenic acid is found in abundance in flaxseed oil. When flaxseed oil is supplemented, both EPA and DHA in the erythrocyte membrane rise at rates correlated with the supplement's dosage. A recent study at the Department of Cardiology, School of Medicine, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, showed that 1000 mg of flaxseed oil taken twice daily for 12 weeks reduced cardiovascular risk factors in diabetic patients with coronary heart disease. The results indicated a significant drop in insulin levels (.04), an increase in total nitrite (.001), and a decrease in high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (.02) after flaxseed oil supplementation. Moreover, there was a significant rise in glutathione levels (.001) and total antioxidant capacity (p .001) after using flaxseed oil. As a result, it showed that taking Flaxseed oil for 12-week regimen could have a transformative impact on your cardiac health.

Nourish Your Skin with Flaxseed Oil: A Natural Approach to Skincare.

The problem of skin inflammation is significantly reduced by flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil is the best option if you suffer from skin sensitivity, trans epidermal water loss of skin, roughness, or scaling because it has a positive impact on these conditions. It also improves skin hydration and smoothness. Because of ALA, the main bioactive compound responsible for these anti-aging and skin benefits has been identified. Skin Inflammation may be more common in this older population because proinflammatory oxylipins like (5-HETE, 9,10,13-TriHOME, and 9,12-13-TriHOME*) are more common in older people than in younger people. Flaxseed supplementation has been shown to balance pro- and anti-inflammatory oxylipins, which may have a positive impact on ageing Therefore, taking flaxseed oil has more anti-aging benefits for older individuals. One recent study found that giving a group of girls with sensitive skin flaxseed oil for 12 weeks resulted in very positive results.

Flaxseed Oil: A Potential Aid in Managing Diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes prevalence is a clearly visible public health issue on a global scale. The International Diabetes Federation reported that more than 450 million people worldwide had diabetes in 2017, and that number was projected to rise to 629 million by 2045. Therefore, there is an urgent need for new Type 2 Diabetes mellitus control methods! Clinical and experimental studies have shown that consuming Omega-3 Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acids is beneficial for treating chronic metabolic diseases, including Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. As a source of ALA-rich, plant-derived omega-3 Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acids, flaxseed oil has been linked to extensive research on its ability to reduce inflammation throughout the entire body. Due to its high ALA content, dietary flaxseed has likely had an anti-inflammatory effect that has a positive impact on high dietary cholesterol or high dietary trans-fat content. Taking Flaxseed oil also helps to maintain the level of beneficial bacteria in gut that directly have a effect in treating Type 2 diabetes mellitus.


5. Alleviating Knee Osteoarthritis and Joint Inflammation with Flaxseed Oil.

The most prevalent type of arthritis in elderly people is knee osteoarthritis. In the majority of patients, it is a gradually incapacitating disorder that manifests as joint pain and functional limitations. The causes of osteoarthritis include genetics, mechanical stress, inflammation, and cellular and biochemical processes. Obesity, female sex, ageing, and vigorous exercise are typical risk factors for knee osteoarthritis. According to studies, osteoarthritis will rank as the fourth most generic form of disability globally by 2020 because of an increase in life expectancy, sedentary behavior, and obesity rates. Osteoarthritis (OA) treatment aims to relieve pain, improve joint performance, and halt the deterioration of joints. Despite the benefits of the current treatments, patients' preferences, medication side effects, and the costs of treatment modalities have led to an increase in interest in using complementary and alternative medicine, especially Studies on metabolic disease models have shown that flaxseed oil guards against oxidative stress and inflammation.

In various studies, it was discovered that linseed oil significantly reduced the pain and other symptoms experienced by patients with knee osteoarthritis. The study also revealed that the linseed group's quality of life in relation to knee-related activities, sports, and recreation significantly improved following the study when compared to the group of individuals who were not taking Flaxseed oil. Linseed oil can be used in topical preparations to soothe joint pain, reduce swelling, and soften joints, according to traditional Persian medical references like Avicenna's Canon of Medicine. Linseed has also been used orally as a laxative, anti-tussive, gastro-tonic, and aphrodisiac. Linseed has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties in numerous in vitro and in vivo studies. A source of -linolenic acid, which has a clear anti-inflammatory effect, linseed is also rich in.

6. Promoting Healthy Brain Development with Flaxseed Oil.

When there is a neural disease present, flaxseed consumption may also enhance certain aspects of brain function. Flaxseed consumption by mothers reduced brain mass loss and improved motor hyperactivity and spatial memory during experimental neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, preventing depressive symptoms in offspring. In a rat model of cerebral ischemia, pre-treatment with flaxseed oil suggested a potential neuroprotective effect on the motor cortex region after cerebral ischemic stroke. It is a condition that develops when the artery supplying the brain with blood becomes blocked, and studies have shown that flaxseed oil can effectively treat this issue.

The brain synaptic membrane of rats fed flaxseed oil in microemulsion were enriched with DHA, increasing the levels of dopamine and serotonin inside the brain. The brain synaptic membrane of rats fed flaxseed oil in microemulsion were enriched with DHA, increasing the levels of dopamine and serotonin inside the brain. Neurotransmitters, or chemical messengers, like dopamine and serotonin help control a variety of bodily processes. Movement, coordination, and pleasure and reward-related feelings all depend on dopamine. Although serotonin also plays a role in emotions, it also has an impact on metabolism and digestion. These two hormones are very important in human mood swings.


7. Exploring the Potential Benefits of Flaxseed Oil in Brest Cancer Prevention.

Like how numerous studies have documented flaxseed oil's cytotoxic effects on various cancer cell types. Breast cancer cell growth has been shown to be inhibited in vitro by the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA as well as -linolenic acid, which is one of these metabolites. A significant protective effect of dietary flaxseed against breast cancer has been demonstrated in both experimental animal studies and human trials. The growth of tumors in breast cancer patients was found to be decreased by flaxseed oil, according to a systematic review of 10 human trials. Additionally, they discovered data supporting flax-associated protection against primary breast cancer and a lower mortality risk in breast cancer patients. Flaxseed that has been ground into 25 g doses has shown to have positive effects. The anticancer effects of a combination of low-dose trastuzumab treatment (a targeted cancer drug) with a dosage of 2.5 mg/kg body weight and 8% flaxseed oil were compared to those of a combination of high-dose trastuzumab treatment with a dosage of 5 mg/kg body weight in a different study using athymic mice. The combined effects of flaxseed oil and low dose trastuzumab led to an 84 percent regression of the control tumors after 4 weeks of treatment, while there was a 184 percent growth at the sample without using trastuzumab and flaxseed oil. As a result, it showed that taking Flaxseed oil for a period of 4 weeks have a very positive effects on tumor growth.


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·         Zhu, L., Sha, L., Li, K., Wang, Z., Wang, T., Li, Y., Liu, P., Dong, X., Dong, Y., Zhang, X. and Wang, H., 2020. Dietary flaxseed oil rich in omega-3 suppresses severity of type 2 diabetes mellitus via anti-inflammation and modulating gut microbiota in rats. Lipids in health and disease, 19, pp.1-16.

·         Al-Madhagy, S., Ashmawy, N.S., Mamdouh, A., Eldahshan, O.A. and Farag, M.A., 2023. A comprehensive review of the health benefits of flaxseed oil in relation to its chemical composition and comparison with other omega-3-rich oils. European Journal of Medical Research, 28(1), p.240.

·         Parikh, M., Maddaford, T.G., Austria, J.A., Aliani, M., Netticadan, T. and Pierce, G.N., 2019. Dietary flaxseed as a strategy for improving human health. Nutrients, 11(5), p.1171.

·         Morshedzadeh, N., Shahrokh, S., Aghdaei, H.A., Pourhoseingholi, M.A., Chaleshi, V., Hekmatdoost, A., Karimi, S., Zali, M.R. and Mirmiran, P., 2019. Effects of flaxseed and flaxseed oil supplement on serum levels of inflammatory markers, metabolic parameters and severity of disease in patients with ulcerative colitis. Complementary therapies in medicine, 46, pp.36-43.

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